Entre les années 70 et 80 (une manière moins déprimante de dire "quand j'étais jeune"), une pub pour une boisson anisée et alcoolisée (une manière redondante d'appeler le pastis) disait: "heureux comme un 51 dans l'eau".
Les affiches montraient un bonhomme bedonnant faisant la planche. Sur son ventre, un bocal avec un poisson rouge. Le bonhomme sourit, les yeux fermés. Il tient un verre, il flotte. Le ciel et l'eau sont du même azur, ça lui suffit.
Le slogan martelé pendant presque une décennie donne à ce 51 la même évidence de bonheur qu'au poisson.
Le bonheur, à quoi ça tient? Au glissement de sens? A un peu d'eau?
Aujourd'hui j'ai 51 ans.
Je crois que je vais aller prendre un bain...
For Judith, (as best I could) :
The posters displayed a chubby man floating on the water. On his belly, a jar with a red fish in it. The man smiles, eyes closed. He’s holding a glass, just floating. Both the sky and sea are of the same blue, it is enough for him.
The title, heard and seen everywhere for nearly a decade, gives this 51 and the fish the same intensity in happiness.
Happiness, what does it come down to ? A shift in the meaning ? A little water ?
Today I’m 51.
I am guessing you have turned 51 Cat? If so I wish you a happy birthday.. I am a child of the 60's too.....and older than you!! I am 54! Interestng time of life, isn't it? Has its ups and downs! Wish I could read this post but sadly my understanding of the French language is limited!!! Kindest regards. x
RépondreSupprimerDear Judith, thank you very much for your wishes. It's amazing! I can not believe you are 54! you look like so young! I don't know if it is an interesting time of life. my son told me that real life begins at 50. I'm not sure to be able to believe him!
SupprimerI add an english translation of my text. (I did my best!)
Always glad to read you.
kisses & kindest regards.
Thank you so much for translating this for me. I do appreciate it and enjoyed reading it! Trust me, Cat...I do have the lines of life on my face, but thank you for the compliment! Yes, your son is right, real life does begin at 50, but it can be a difficult time too. I'm still working things out....I think lying in the blue water gazing at the blue sky balancing a fish bowl on my belly looks like the perfect meditation. Such is life! I am so happy, our correspondence has returned. Kisses to you and now off you go and take that bath! :)
RépondreSupprimerA very happy Birthday, my dear. In Germany, you are always a "Geburtstagkind", the day you celebrate your birth, even if you are 90. Isn't that great? So, for the Child who is still living in you, I hope, my best wishes. Enjoy the life, which is so short but often beautiful. Carpe Diem and no blues, you are still in live….
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